What should I know about properly maintaining my pool?
There has to be enough water in the pool or spa. Check the level of the water.
All of the valves should be fully open.
Backwashing routinely- most pools operate around 10 lbs. of pressure and backwashing should be performed when the pressure is 10 lbs. above operating pressure (i.e. 20 lbs.)
The skimmer and main drain should be clear of blockage and debris.
Skimmers require cleaning.
The strainer pot at the pump should be cleaned routinely.
Check your water chemistry routinely. There might be an imbalance of the water chemistry, causing scaling.
If you have a pool heater, the gas shut-off valve should be open. The switch should be on. Check for a pilot light, ignition, or flame at the fuel-fired heater.
The thermostat should be connected, active and set properly.
The pool is covered when not in use.
No unpleasant odors or irritating fumes are apparent.
No physical damage is apparent at the pool equipment.
The pool is vacuumed daily.
No debris is visible. The water is clean.
Algae growth is not visible.
Water temperature is maintained within acceptable levels and is appropriate for the primary activities being conducted in the pool.
Pool chemicals are stored a safe distance away from the heater.
Adequate clearances around the heater are maintained.
Inspection Expectations
The area is safe​
Adequate fencing, gates, barriers, alarms, and/or other protective devices are installed.
Adequate storage space is provided for equipment.
Decks around pool are not cluttered.
Surfaces leading to the pool, including the deck and steps, are slip-resistant.
Decks on all sides of the pool meet minimum safety standards. The deck is separated from the pool wall perimeter.
There are no standing puddles on the deck.
All ladders, stanchions, chairs, rails, treads, plates, and other deck equipment are tightly secured in place.
An adequate means of egress from the pool is provided.
Steps, treads, ramps, ledges, and any other protrusions into the pool are marked with a contrasting color coating or tile on both the top and vertical rise.
Pool chemicals are stored a safe distance away from the heater.
The area is clean​
No unpleasant odors or irritating fumes are apparent.
No physical damage is apparent at the pool equipment.
Grates are visible from the deck, with no damage apparent.
The pool is vacuumed daily.
No debris is visible. The water is clean.
Algae growth is not visible.
The pool water is tested at the frequency required or desired.
All water quality and chemical levels are within acceptable ranges during the most current test.
There is no visible surface staining.
The area is maintained​​
Main drain grates are bolted securely to the pool’s bottom.
Drain covers are installed.
Water return inlets are installed.
Bacteriological water analysis is performed on a regular basis.
Water temperature is maintained within acceptable levels and is appropriate for the primary activities being conducted in the pool.
The type of heater is identified. Efficiency and BTU ratings of the heater are identified.
The heater is installed on a level, non- combustible base.
Safety devices are installed on the heater.
The thermostat is identified and located.
Check valves between the heater and filter are installed.
Bonding and grounding are visible.
The heater is installed downstream of the pump and filter.
A solar heating system is installed. The solar heating system type is identified. The solar heating system is active.
Adequate clearances around the heater are maintained.
Coping stones and tiles are not chipped, cracked or loose.
The pool shell appears smooth, without readily visible defects.
The water level appears to be maintained to allow for the removal of floating debris.
The water level appears at the proper height to allow continuous overflow of water into the gutters or skimmers.
Skimmer weirs, skimmer baskets, deck covers, and flow-adjustment devices are installed.
Lights are installed and are operational.
Electrical wiring is not passing directly over the pool or spa.
Hose bibs are installed near the pool.
No apparent defects or signs of repair are observed at the diving board.
The centrifugal pump is secured to its base and is operating quietly.
The hair and lint strainer basket is clean of debris.
Air pressure-relief valves are installed on all pressure filter tanks.
Filter tanks are accessible. The filter’s brand is identified.
A clean sight glass or visual outfall of at least 3 feet has been provided.
The pressurized filter tanks and hair and lint traps are not leaking and are properly sealed.
The area is clearly marked​
All piping, filters and components that are part of the system are labeled, tagged, color-coded or otherwise identified.
The type of pipe has been identified.
Pipes and fittings are not leaking.
Pipes are supported adequately.
Pipes are not showing signs of calcification, corrosion or deterioration.
The manufacturer of the diving board is visible on the diving board itself.
The number of underwater lights is noted. GFCIs are installed.
The type, number and wattage of deck lighting are identified.
The water temperature has been measured and recorded.
A spa is installed.
The spa is operational
No physical damage is apparent at the spa.
A spa timer is installed and not reachable by a spa user.
The emergency shut-off switch for the spa is installed and clearly labeled.
The spa appears clean and is adequately maintained.